레이블이 google play store인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 google play store인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2016년 6월 23일 목요일

How to install Google Play Store on ODROID

We support Open Gapps update packages(http://opengapps.org/).

First, Check version. 


Install v1.0(Marshmallow)9 version or higher.
odroidc2-eng 6.0.1 MOB31K odroidc2-eng-s905_6.0.1_master-9 test-keys

Install v1.8(Lollipop)241 version or higher.
odroidc2-eng 5.1.1 LMY47V odroidc2-eng-s905_5.1.1_master-241 test-keys

Install v3.0(KitKat)426 version or higher.
odroidc-eng 4.4.2 KOT49H odroidc-eng-s805_4.4.2_master-426 test-keys

Install v1.0(Lollipop)15 version or higher.
odroidc-eng 5.1.1 LMY48W odroidc-eng-s805_5.1.1_master-15 test-keys

Open Browser app and go to http://opengapps.org.
Check ARM, 5.1, micro  and download.

You must select ARM not ARM64, because ODROID-C2 is 32bit OS.

You have to choose between nano and micro.

Check ARM, 4.4, micro  and download.
You have to choose between nano and micro.

Open ODROID Utility app.
Select "Package install from storage".

Select "File Manager".
Open Download folder.
Select "open_gapps-arm-5.1-micro-20160623.zip"

Select "Process" and system will be reboot.


Select "Google Now Launcher".

To use the Google Play Store, GappsInstaller app is no longer necessary.
You can now use the latest version of the Google Play Store.

2016년 2월 25일 목요일

Google Play Store on ODROID-C2.

Visit http://dn.odroid.com/GAPPS and download GAppsInstaller_lollipop.apk


Rebooted and log in google.

 Check Play store version.

If you Installed youtube app, You must update Google Play services too.

If you update Google Play service, You will go though this situation.
I do not have solution for that. You must reinstall android image.

Check Play store version like this. Play store will update automatically.

Fist Update Google Store and must update Google Play Services later.