2015년 2월 5일 목요일


KODI is pre-installed on ODROID-C1 1.2 version.

But KODI is not working well because KODI is denied by Superuser.

KODI need SuperSU apps instead Supersuser app.

Settings => Language & input

Turn off Hardware Physical keyboard.
It you want to work IR remote, Turn on after settings.

Download GApps Installer for KitKat.

Install GApps Installer app.

Allow and wait to reboot.

Market installed.

Install SuperSU app.



Remember choice forever and Allow.


2014년 11월 11일 화요일

ODROID-W vs Raspberry Pi A+ vs Raspberry Pi B+

Raspberry Pi
Model B+
Raspberry Pi
Model A+
SoCBroadcom BCM2835 ARM11 processor @ 700MHz with VideoCore IV GPU
System Memory512 MB (PoP)256 MB (PoP)512 MB (PoP)
Storagemicro SD card slotmicro SD card slot
eMMC module socket
AV OutputHDMI and 3.5 mm AV jackHDMI
Connectivity10/100M EthernetN/A
USB4x USB 2.0 host port +
micro USB port
1x USB 2.0 host port +
micro USB port
1x USB 2.0 host port +
micro USB port
Expansion40-pin header for GPIO
CSI interface
DSI interface
40-pin header for GPIO
CSI interface
Power5V via micro USB port
Power Consumption600 mA to 1.8 A @ 5VTBD but lower150 mA to 1.8 A @ 5V
Dimensions85 x 56 mm65 x 56 mm60 x 36 mm
PMICN/ARicoh RC5T619 includes DCDCs, LDOs, ADCs, RTC, Battery charger and Fuel gauge
RTC powerN/ABackup battery connector (Molex 53398-0271)

2014년 10월 2일 목요일

How to make Installer for ODROID-XU3

Insert microSD/eMMC to PC.
Check media node name.
$ sudo fdisk -l

Fill zero data to media.
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1024000

Run Gparted.
menu -> Device -> Create Partition Table...

menu -> Partition -> New
Free space preceding (MiB) 100
New size (MiB): 400
File system: fat32

Apply All Operations

fuse u-boot binaries for SD media.
$ cd device/hardkernel/odroidxu3/uboot
$ sudo sh sd_fusing.sd /dev/sdX

mount fat32 partition.

copy bl1.bin, bl2.bin, tzsw.bin, u-boot.bin files to mounted partition.

$ cd out/target/product/odroidxu3/update/

copy zImage-dtb, system.img, userdata.img, cache.ing to mounted partition.

copy boot.ini file too.

sync and umount.

dump image.

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=./sd_installer.img bs=512 count=1024000

Extract img file and make checksum by md5sum.

2014년 7월 30일 수요일

build ODROID-U3(Kitkat) on Ubuntu 14.04

build ODROID-U3(Kitkat) on Ubuntu 14.04

# Download and install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


# Install packages


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git gnupg flex bison gperf zip curl libc6-dev libncurses5-dev:i386 x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc zlib1g-dev:i386 
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential g++-multilib

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian squeeze main contrib non-free"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so

# Setup serial terminal

Install minicom

$ sudo apt-get install minicom
$ sudo minicom -s

Setup Serail port

            | Filenames and paths      |
            | File transfer protocols  |
            | Serial port setup        |
            | Modem and dialing        |
            | Screen and keyboard      |
            | Save setup as dfl        |
            | Save setup as..          |
            | Exit                     |
            | Exit from Minicom        |
    | A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyUSB0                              |
    | B - Lockfile Location     : /var/lock                                 |
    | C -   Callin Program      :                                           |
    | D -  Callout Program      :                                           |
    | E -    Bps/Par/Bits       : 115200 8N1                                |
    | F - Hardware Flow Control : No                                       |
    | G - Software Flow Control : No                                        |
    |                                                                       |
    |    Change which setting?                                              |
            | Screen and keyboard      |
            | Save setup as dfl        |
            | Save setup as..          |
            | Exit                     |
            | Exit from Minicom        |

Save setup as dfl

            | Filenames and paths      |                                  
            | File transfer protocols  |                                  
            | Serial port setup        |                                  
            | Modem and dialing        |                                  
            | Screen and keyboard      |
            | Save setup as dfl        |
            | Save setup as..          |
            | Exit                     |
            | Exit from Minicom        |

fix permission

$ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0  7월 29 12:30 ttyUSB0

minicom: Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied

Just add your user to the dialout group so you have appropriate permissions on the device.
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout [username]

# Install fastboot and adb

$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
or download android sdk.
$ unzip adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702.zip
$ mv adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702 ~
$ vi ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/odroid/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702/sdk/platform-tools

make 99-android.rules
$ sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules
# Hardkernel Odroid MTP mode (multimedia device)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", MODE="0666" # MTP media 

# Install cross compiler

$ unxz arm-2010q1.tar.xz
$ tar xvf arm-2010q1.tar
$ sudo mkdir /opt/toolchains
$ sudo mv arm-2010q1 /opt/toolchains/
$ vi ~/.bashrc
add this lines. 

export PATH=$PATH:/home/odroid/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702/sdk/platform-tools:/opt/toolchains/arm-2010q1/bin
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ $ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc --version
arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202) 4.4.1
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

# Download source

$ git config --global user.email xxx@xxx.xxx
$ git config --global user.name xxx


$ git clone https://github.com/hardkernel/linux.git -b odroid-3.0.y-android


$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ./repo
$ sudo cp repo /usr/bin
$ sudo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ repo init -u https://github.com/hardkernel/android.git -b 4412_4.4.4_master
$ repo sync

# Build kernel

ODROID-U3 kernel

$ make odroidu_android_442_defconfig
$ make -j8

connect UART-USB module kit and micro USB cable

open minicom

$ minicom

keep typing the space bar in the minicom.
apply power.
entry to uboot mode.

U-Boot 2010.12-svn (May 12 2014 - 15:05:46) for Exynox4412                      
CPU: S5PC220 [Samsung SOC on SMP Platform Base on ARM CortexA9]                 
APLL = 1000MHz, MPLL = 880MHz                                                   
DRAM:  2 GiB                                                                    
PMIC VERSION : 0x00, CHIP REV : 3                                               
TrustZone Enabled BSP                                                           
BL1 version: 20121128                                                           
Checking Boot Mode ... EMMC4.41                                                 
REVISION: 2.0                                                                   
Manufacture ID 0x45 [ 29820MB ]                                                 
NAME: S5P_MSHC4                                                                 
MMC Device 0: 29820 MB                                                          
MMC Device 1: 0 MB                                                              
MMC Device 2 not found                                                          
USB3503 NINT = OUTPUT LOW!                                                      
ModeKey Check... run normal_boot                                                
No ethernet found.                                                              
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                
Exynos4412 #

format disk

Exynos4412 # fdisk -c 0
Count: 10000
fdisk is completed

partion #    size(MB)     block start #    block count    partition_Id 

   1          4110          6702223         8418828          0x0C 

   2          1027           134343         2104707          0x83 

   3          2048          2239050         4194487          0x83 

   4           131          6433537          268686          0x83

1 -> fat partition
2 -> system partition
3 -> userdate partition
4 -> cache partition

Exynos4412 # fastboot
[Partition table on MoviNAND]                                                   
ptn 0 name='fwbl1' start=0x1 len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))         
ptn 1 name='bl2' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))           
ptn 2 name='bootloader' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))    
ptn 3 name='tzsw' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))          
ptn 4 name='kernel' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))        
ptn 5 name='ramdisk' start=N/A len=0x0(~16777216KB) (use hard-coded info. (cmd:)
ptn 6 name='system' start=0x1 len=0x0(~1073741824KB)                            
ptn 7 name='userdata' start=0x1 len=0x0(~-2147483648KB)                         
ptn 8 name='cache' start=0x1 len=0x0(~134217728KB)                              
ptn 9 name='fat' start=0x1 len=0x0(~2009071616KB)                               
Insert a OTG cable into the connector! 

run fastboot

$ fastboot flash kernel arch/arm/boot/zImage
sending 'kernel' (3401 KB)...
OKAY [  0.559s]
writing 'kernel'...
OKAY [  0.385s]
finished. total time: 0.944s

write to success

Insert a OTG cable into the connector!
OTG cable Connected!
Starting download of 3482864 bytes
downloading of 3482864 bytes finished
flashing 'kernel'
writing kernel..device 0 Start 2455, Count 16384 
MMC write: dev # 0, block # 2455, count 16384 ... 16384 blocks written: OK
partition 'kernel' flashed

CTRL-A Z for help | 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7 | VT102 | Offline | ttyUSB0 

# Build android

ODROID-U3 Android-4.4.4 (kitkat)

$ ./build_android odroidu
$ ./build_android.sh odroidu
Build android for odroidu
including device/generic/mips/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/armv7-a-neon/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/x86/vendorsetup.sh
including device/samsung/manta/vendorsetup.sh
including device/sscr/sc1_dvt1/vendorsetup.sh
including device/asus/grouper/vendorsetup.sh
including device/asus/flo/vendorsetup.sh
including device/asus/deb/vendorsetup.sh
including device/asus/tilapia/vendorsetup.sh
including device/lge/mako/vendorsetup.sh
including device/lge/hammerhead/vendorsetup.sh
including device/hardkernel/odroidx/vendorsetup.sh
including device/hardkernel/odroidu/vendorsetup.sh
including device/hardkernel/odroidx2/vendorsetup.sh
including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
[[[[[[[ Build android platform ]]]]]]]
make -j1 PRODUCT-odroidu-eng
Checking build tools versions...
including ./art/Android.mk ...
including ./bionic/Android.mk ...
including ./bootable/diskinstaller
including ./abi/cpp/Android.mk ...

write images

$ fastboot flash system out/target/product/odroidu/system.img
$ fastboot flash userdate out/target/product/odroidu/userdate.img
$ fastboot flash cache out/target/product/odroidu/cache.img
$ fastboot reboot

# Fusing uboot

fusing micro SD

Insert micro SD to PC
$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sdd: 4072 MB, 4072669184 bytes
36 heads, 52 sectors/track, 4249 cylinders, total 7954432 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000d2157
   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd1            2048     7954431     3976192    b  W95 FAT32
$ cd device/hardkernel/proprietary/uboot_4412
$ sudo sh ./sd_fusing_4412.sh /dev/sdd

fusing eMMC

boot from microSD
connect eMMC

Exynos4412 # movi init 1
emmc reset...
Manufacturer TOSHIBA [ 7456MB ]
Device: S5P_MSHC4
Manufacturer ID: 11
OEM: 100
Name: 008G9 
Tran Speed: 0
Rd Block Len: 512
MMC version 4.0
High Capacity: Yes
Size: 0MB (block: 7456)
Bus Width: 8-bit DDR
Boot Partition Size: 4096 KB
Exynos4412 # 
Exynos4412 # pri
bootargs=fb_x_res=1280 fb_y_res=720 hdmi_phy_res=720 
bootcmd=    cfgload; mmc rescan 0:1; mmc rescan 0:2;  if run loadbootscript_1;     then run bootscript;  else     if run loadbootscript_2;         then run bootscript;     else         run default_bootcmd;     f 
bootscript=source 40008000
copy_uboot_emmc2sd=emmc open 0;movi r z f 0 40000000;emmc close 0;movi w f 1 40000000;emmc open 0;movi r z b 0 40000000;emmc close 0;movi w b 1 40000000;emmc open 0;movi r z u 0 40000000;emmc close 0;movi w u 1 ;
copy_uboot_sd2emmc=movi r f 0 40000000;emmc open 1;movi w z f 1 40000000;emmc close 1;movi r b 0 40000000;emmc open 1;movi w z b 1 40000000;emmc close 1;movi r u 0 40000000;emmc open 1;movi w z u 1 40000000;emmc;
default_bootcmd=echo >>> Run Default Bootcmd <<<;movi read kernel 0 40008000;movi read rootfs 0 41000000 100000;bootm 40008000 41000000
erase_uboot_env=mmc write 0 0x40008000 0x977 0x20;
loadbootscript_1=echo >>> Load Boot Script from mmc 0:1 <<<;fatload mmc 0:1 40008000 boot.scr
loadbootscript_2=echo >>> Load Boot Script from mmc 0:2 <<<;fatload mmc 0:2 40008000 boot.scr

Environment size: 1706/16380 bytes

Exynos4412 # 
Exynos4412 # run copy_uboot_sd2emmc
reading FWBL1 ..device 0 Start 1, Count 30 
MMC read: dev # 0, block # 1, count 30 ... 30 blocks read: OK
eMMC OPEN Success.!!
!You must close eMMC boot Partition after all image writing!
!eMMC boot partition has continuity at image writing time.!
!So, Do not close boot partition, Before, all images is written.!
writing FWBL1 ..device 1 Start 0, Count 30 
MMC write: dev # 1, block # 0, count 30 ... 30 blocks written: OK
eMMC CLOSE Success.!!
reading BL2 ..device 0 Start 31, Count 32 
MMC read: dev # 0, block # 31, count 32 ... 32 blocks read: OK
eMMC OPEN Success.!!
!You must close eMMC boot Partition after all image writing!
!eMMC boot partition has continuity at image writing time.!
!So, Do not close boot partition, Before, all images is written.!
writing BL2 ..device 1 Start 30, Count 32 
MMC write: dev # 1, block # 30, count 32 ... 32 blocks written: OK
eMMC CLOSE Success.!!
reading bootloader..device 0 Start 63, Count 2048 
MMC read: dev # 0, block # 63, count 2048 ... 2048 blocks read: OK
eMMC OPEN Success.!!
!You must close eMMC boot Partition after all image writing!
!eMMC boot partition has continuity at image writing time.!
!So, Do not close boot partition, Before, all images is written.!
writing bootloader..device 1 Start 62, Count 2048 
MMC write: dev # 1, block # 62, count 2048 ... 2048 blocks written: OK
eMMC CLOSE Success.!!
reading 0 TrustZone S/W.. Start 2111, Count 312 
MMC read: dev # 0, block # 2111, count 312 ... 312 blocks read: OK
eMMC OPEN Success.!!
!You must close eMMC boot Partition after all image writing!
!eMMC boot partition has continuity at image writing time.!
!So, Do not close boot partition, Before, all images is written.!
writing 1 TrustZone S/W.. Start 2110, Count 312 
MMC write: dev # 1, block # 2110, count 312 ... 312 blocks written: OK
eMMC CLOSE Success.!!

MMC write: dev # 1, block # 2423, count 32 ... 32 blocks written: OK

Exynos4412 # 

2014년 6월 27일 금요일

Optimized settings for Low DPI

Resolution : 1280 x 720
HDMI : 720P
ro.sf.lcd_density : 180

Resolution : 640 x 480
HDMI : 480P
ro.sf.lcd_density : 120

change resolution
# vi /sdcard/boot.ini

setenv v_out "hdmi"
setenv fake_fb "true"
setenv fb_x_res "640"
setenv fb_y_res "480"
setenv hdmi_phy_res "480"
setenv led_blink        "1"
setenv bootcmd      "movi read kernel 0 40008000;movi read rootfs 0 41000000 100
setenv bootargs     "console=/dev/ttySAC1,115200n8 androidboot.console=ttySAC1 v

change density
# su
$ mount -o rw,remount /
$ vi /build.prop
ro.sf.lcd_density=180 <- fix

2014년 6월 19일 목요일

How to fake a Wi-Fi or 3G connected event on Android


Xposed Framework and Hack Connectivity app link

1. Xposed framework app 설치

2. Framework install 후 rebooting

3. Hack connectivity app 설치

4. Xposed framework 기동하여 Module 메뉴에서 Hack connectivity 활성화

5. reboot

6. Hack connectiviy app 기동하고 Wifi 

7. BenchBee 동작

2014년 3월 14일 금요일

How to write zImage via dd command.

write zImage via fastboot flash kernel ./zImage


downloading of 3481036 bytes finished                                        
flashing 'kernel'                                                            
writing kernel..device 0 Start 2455, Count 16384                              
MMC write: dev # 0, block # 2455, count 16384 ... 16384 blocks written: OK    
partition 'kernel' flashed                                                    
resetting ...                                                                

kernel start sector 2455

Exynos5410 #   fastboot                                                      
there are pending interrupts 0x00000001                                      
[Partition table on MoviNAND]                                                
ptn 0 name='fwbl1' start=0x8 len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))      
ptn 1 name='bl2' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))        
ptn 2 name='bootloader' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))  
ptn 3 name='tzsw' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))        
ptn 4 name='kernel' start=N/A len=N/A (use hard-coded info. (cmd: movi))      
ptn 5 name='ramdisk' start=N/A len=0x4000(~16777216KB) (use hard-coded info. (c)
ptn 6 name='system' start=0x4000000 len=0x100000(~1073741824KB)              
ptn 7 name='userdata' start=0x44000000 len=0x200000(~-2147483648KB)          
ptn 8 name='cache' start=0xC4000000 len=0x40000(~268435456KB)                
ptn 9 name='fat' start=0xD4000000 len=0xB4D000(~-750780416KB)                
USB cable Connected![0x4]                                                    
downloading of 5440448 bytes finished                                        
flashing 'kernel'                                                            
writing kernel..device 0 Start 1263, Count 16384                              
MMC write: dev # 0, block # 1263, count 16384 ... 16384 blocks write: OK      
partition 'kernel' flashed        

kernel start sector 1263                                          

If you want to update kernel. run terminal emulator app.

1|root@android:/sdcard/update # dd if=./zImage of=/dev/block/mmcblk0 seek=2455
6797+1 records in                                                            
6797+1 records out                                                            
3480080 bytes transferred in 1.017 secs (3421907 bytes/sec)                  
root@android:/sdcard/update #

check your kernel wrote via dd.
root@android:/ # uname -a                                                    
Linux localhost 3.0.51 #1 SMP Tue Feb 18 10:52:27 KST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux  
root@android:/ #