2022년 5월 31일 화요일

How to make WiFi higher priority than Ethernet on android?

 1. Android 9



 * {@link NetworkFactory} that represents Ethernet networks.


 * This class reports a static network score of 70 when it is tracking an interface and that

 * interface's link is up, and a score of 0 otherwise.


public class EthernetNetworkFactory extends NetworkFactory {

    private final static String TAG = EthernetNetworkFactory.class.getSimpleName();

    final static boolean DBG = true;

    private static final int NETWORK_SCORE = 59;// fix to lower score than 60.

2. Android 11


        private static final SparseArray<TransportInfo> sTransports = new SparseArray();

        static {

            // LowpanInterfaceTracker.NETWORK_SCORE


                    new TransportInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_NONE, 30));

            // WifiAwareDataPathStateManager.NETWORK_FACTORY_SCORE_AVAIL


                    new TransportInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_NONE, 1));

            // EthernetNetworkFactory.NETWORK_SCORE


                    new TransportInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET, /*70*/55));