2016년 12월 28일 수요일

How to switch front/back camera on ODROID

ODROID-C2 lollipop support USB Webcam like front camera.

The camera preview is mirrored.

You can switch it back camera.

$ su
# mount -o rw,remount /system
# vi /system/build.prop

add this

save and reboot system.
The camera preview is not mirrored.

2016년 12월 16일 금요일

How to install apps into SD card on ODROID-C2 marshmallow.

Install android 6.0.1 into 8GByte eMMC.
5GByte userdata.

Install many apps.

storage space running out.

Insert SD Card.

Use as internal storage.

Enable sdcard like internal storage.

Settings -> Apps -> Storage

Move "Angry Birds" to "SanDisk SD card".