2014년 10월 2일 목요일

How to make Installer for ODROID-XU3

Insert microSD/eMMC to PC.
Check media node name.
$ sudo fdisk -l

Fill zero data to media.
$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1024000

Run Gparted.
menu -> Device -> Create Partition Table...

menu -> Partition -> New
Free space preceding (MiB) 100
New size (MiB): 400
File system: fat32

Apply All Operations

fuse u-boot binaries for SD media.
$ cd device/hardkernel/odroidxu3/uboot
$ sudo sh sd_fusing.sd /dev/sdX

mount fat32 partition.

copy bl1.bin, bl2.bin, tzsw.bin, u-boot.bin files to mounted partition.

$ cd out/target/product/odroidxu3/update/

copy zImage-dtb, system.img, userdata.img, cache.ing to mounted partition.

copy boot.ini file too.

sync and umount.

dump image.

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=./sd_installer.img bs=512 count=1024000

Extract img file and make checksum by md5sum.